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ConventionsPhotos from various furcons attended, starting with the first to be held in Manchester.
37 6,076
Scotiacon 2022


As Europe began to emerge from nearly 2 years of COVID lockdowns, one of the first conventions back out of the door was Scotiacon in February 2022. Finally moving to their new venue in Glasgow which had first been teased during the 2019 event, for a weekend of fun and games in a whole new location.

66 files, last one added on Aug 07, 2022
Album viewed 47 times

NordicFuzzCon 2020


A fresh new hotel, and a move to the city of Malmö were the biggest changes for NFC 2020. Bringing with it a theme based around Eurovision Song Contest, and all the glamour and great music that accompanies that. NFC 2020 also ended up being one of the last European conventions to run a physical event, before COVID-19 lockdowns wrote off most of the remainder of the year and forced everyone to virtual events.

281 files, last one added on Apr 05, 2020
Album viewed 1928 times

Scotiacon 2019


One final fling in Livingston for Scotiacon for late November 2019. With a surprisingly dry (for the time of year), albeit cold weekend of fun and frolics. This time based around the theme of Steampunk.

134 files, last one added on Nov 18, 2019
Album viewed 302 times

Eurofurence 25 - 2019


Another sunny year in Berlin, as Eurofurence reaches it's first quarter century. And what better way to mark it than with a theme involving fractures in time, and giving a perfect chance to take a look back at the 25 years of the convention.

286 files, last one added on Aug 25, 2019
Album viewed 245 times

NordicFuzzCon 2019


Back to Sweden in 2019 as NordicFuzzCon returned for its third and final year at the Scandic hotel near Stockholm. This time round events follow the theme of 'A Winter Howliday'... or Christmas in February.

180 files, last one added on Jul 28, 2019
Album viewed 220 times

Scotiacon 2018


November 2018, and back in Livingston again for the delights of Scotiacon 2018. With a Medieval Murder Mystery theme this time round, another weekend of fun was to follow.

75 files, last one added on Jul 28, 2019
Album viewed 219 times

Eurofurence 24 - 2018


Another year for Eurofurence at their spiritual home of the Estrel Centre in Berlin for 2018, only this time round welcoming you aboard Eurofurence Airlines.

268 files, last one added on Nov 25, 2018
Album viewed 276 times

Just Fur The Weekend - 2018


Returning to Bristol for another iteration in 2018 was Just Fur The Weekend. The seaside was the theme this time, used to great effect over the Easter weekend of fun for the con.

84 files, last one added on Nov 25, 2018
Album viewed 273 times

Scotiacon 2017


Back for year number four in Livingston, Scotiacon unleashes its unique charm on the Scottish landscape. With a huge jump in numbers and a pirate theme, lots of new fun and games was to be had over the weekend.

122 files, last one added on Nov 12, 2017
Album viewed 410 times

Eurofurence 23 - 2017


Back at their familiar home of the Estrel in Berlin for 2017, only this time the theme has gone from the 80s right the way back to Ancient Egypt. Quite a timeline jump! Keep your eyes out for giant dragon-like non-dragons too!

216 files, last one added on Nov 12, 2017
Album viewed 447 times

Just Fur The Weekend - 2017


After a smashing first year success, JFTW returned to Bristol Filton for a second year over Easter 2017. This time with more people and full use of the hotel. The fursuit walk went down into Bristol once more, just this time without some of the wind that had hit during the first year.

179 files, last one added on May 27, 2017
Album viewed 405 times

Scotiacon 2016


The third year back in Livingston, and for once a lack of rain in November greeted the days of the con. Although it remained cold, which matched nicely with the winter theme of the con as another weekend of fun kicked off in earnest.

71 files, last one added on Dec 18, 2016
Album viewed 408 times

Eurofurence 22 - 2016


Returning back to the Estrel Centre and back to the 80s, Eurofurence 22 came around in August 2016. As well as the usual mix of themed events, the convention would see the return of The Pawpets Show after its year hiatus during EF21.

255 files, last one added on Dec 18, 2016
Album viewed 424 times

Just Fur The Weekend - 2016


A new UK convention came to the sunny (or variable-weather-ed) shores of Bristol for Easter 2016. A weekend of fun around the area was to follow for the first year, with no one successfully getting blown away in the strong winds by Clifton Suspension Bridge.

101 files, last one added on Apr 04, 2016
Album viewed 401 times

NordicFuzzCon 2016


In March 2016 NordicFuzzCon returned to Utsikten Meetings for its second and final year there... filling up almost all the other hotels in Nyn�shamn at the same time. With a theme of Atlantis this time round, the snowy environment simultaneously became a wet one for several days of fun. BLIP!

177 files, last one added on Apr 03, 2016
Album viewed 415 times

Scotiacon 2015


Returning to Livingston for their second year and the fifth year in total, the fuzzies once again graced the Mercure for an admittedly quite stormy weekend... but then it is November. As the theme is post apocalyptic too, it's probably quite fitting.

83 files, last one added on Nov 10, 2015
Album viewed 396 times

Eurofurence 21 - 2015


Returning to the Estrel in Berlin for its second year, with about double the convention space within the same building it still managed to feel like they'd moved to a completely different venue to the previous year. Several days of fun and games still followed all centred round their Greenhouse theme!

190 files, last one added on Oct 10, 2015
Album viewed 404 times

NordicFuzzCon 2015


2015 and a bigger new hotel for NordicFuzzCon, as the convention returned to the edges of Stockholm for the third annual convention. This time with Nordic Folklore as their theme, several days of fun and games were to follow. Just... no one ask about the rubber ducks... ever!

99 files, last one added on Apr 19, 2015
Album viewed 367 times

Scotiacon 2014


Back in Scotland for a fourth year, this time moving out of their previous home in Inverness to the more southerly retreat of Livingston, Scotiacon once again brought together a small group of people for a weekend of fun and games. This time centred round the theme of Heroes and Villains, the slightly wet November weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of all those there!

78 files, last one added on Jan 05, 2015
Album viewed 346 times

Eurofurence 20 - 2014


Celebrating a big 20 years saw Eurofurence move to its new home at Estrel Hotel and Convention Centre in Berlin, bringing Europe's largest conventions well... to one of the largest convention centres in Europe. A brand new venue brought with it a whole new area of fun and games to explore for around 2000 attendees, with favourite recurring events back, new ones added in, as well as a return of some old favourites from years earlier like the con campfire.

250 files, last one added on Aug 25, 2014
Album viewed 339 times

Confuzzled 2014


A brand new venue, and a considerably more corporate feeling con greeted Confuzzled for 2014 as it moved to it's 4th home near Birmingham Airport. 4(ish) days of frollicking with fursuits and events were to follow, and though the track record of glorious sunshine for CFz finally broke, spirits were not dampened.

132 files, last one added on May 28, 2014
Album viewed 390 times

NordicFuzzCon 2014


Starting in Stockholm in 2013 and returning for it's second year in 2014, NFC brought a furry convention to the suburbs of the city in Sweden. A weekend of fun and games was to follow, all with a bit of a Steampunk theme (with some extra murder mystery thrown in, just for good measure).

137 files, last one added on Apr 21, 2014
Album viewed 364 times

Eurofurence 19 - 2013


Returning to the Maritim Hotel in Magdeburg for a fourth and final time in August 2013, Eurofurence 19 certainly went out with a bang in the town. In among the usual mix of con events, and socialising with large amounts of drink, considerably more media interest than in previous years brought thousands of members of the public from miles around to line the route of the largest fursuit walk ever held in Europe.

158 files, last one added on Aug 26, 2013
Album viewed 369 times

Scotiacon 2013


Returning once more to the Mercure Hotel up in Inverness, Scotland in 2013, Scotiacon celebrated it's third year with a sci-fi theme being the order of the day. A mix of fun and games, talks and of course dancing deep into the night came to the highland city once more for 3 days in Early August.

92 files, last one added on Aug 06, 2013
Album viewed 332 times

Confuzzled 2013


Returning to the Hinckley Island Hotel for it's second and final year there, Confuzzled once again hit on a fantastic week in the summer sun. With an extra day and several hundred more attendees now added to the happenings, 4 days of the usual fun and games ensued, the number of fursuiters rose even higher, and somehow no-one managed to fall in the pond again.

112 files, last one added on Jun 16, 2013
Album viewed 346 times

Eurofurence 18 - 2012


For the third year, the ever bigger and better European convention returned to the German city of Magdeburg. Several sun-filled days greeted the furries gathered there, as they once again frolicked with the local people, businesses and even local news crews.

134 files, last one added on Oct 17, 2012
Album viewed 359 times

Confuzzled 2012


Celebrating it's fifth year saw the premier UK furcon Confuzzled roll out the red carpet, smash all records on attendance numbers, as well as move to a brand new venue in the Midlands. A scorching weekend of sunshine sat over the top of 3 fun filled days, with more fursuiters than you could shake a small forest at.

209 files, last one added on May 30, 2012
Album viewed 365 times

Midwest FurFest - 2011


Crossing the Atlantic for the first time ever for the rabbit, November 2011 saw him trekking to the city of Chicago for the world's third largest con. Joining up with 2600 furries at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare for a weekend of fun, games, and very cold North American temperatures...

122 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2011
Album viewed 355 times

Eurofurence 17 - 2011


Back for a second year at the Maritim in Magdeburg, this time bigger and better (and with considerably more attention from the media). The theme this time was Kung Fu, leading to a new slant on the usual weekend of fun and games in Germany. Oh, and one of the wettest fursuit walks ever recorded at a con...

108 files, last one added on Oct 09, 2011
Album viewed 346 times

Confuzzled 2011


Back to Manchester for the fourth year running, a baking hot weekend greeted the attendees of Manchester. Once again the Britannia Hotel was taken over for 3 days of fun and games, this year with a 20s spin on it all. Yes, furries were not getting that smartly dressed without a good reason!

179 files, last one added on May 09, 2011
Album viewed 440 times

RBW 2010


The 2010 iteration of London's convention took place at the Britannia International Hotel over Bonfire weekend 2010. Several days brought together people from all over the country in a gathering of partying, games, insane amounts of cardgame playing and nerf weaponry. All with their centrepiece boat party in the middle. With a theme set in space, it was all systems go (or some similar clichéd line)! Sadly 2010 was to be the last RBW!

148 files, last one added on Nov 08, 2010
Album viewed 338 times

Eurofurence 16 - 2010


Back to Germany for Eurofurence, and after 3 years EF finally left it's home at the rural town of Suhl to move to the Hotel Maritim in Magdeburg. In among the new larger and shinier surroundings, 5 days of fun followed, with events, food, drinking and much chatting with the huge numbers of people there from around the globe.

163 files, last one added on Sep 06, 2010
Album viewed 349 times

Confuzzled 2010


Back for its third year, and with a step up to a new hotel, Confuzzled returned for it's third year in May 2010. More than double the number of people descended upon the Country House Hotel in Manchester for a wide selection of events, sigs and plenty of meeting up with friends from near and far.

177 files, last one added on May 10, 2010
Album viewed 469 times

Eurofurence 15 - 2009


Returning to the middle of Suhl in Germany for one final time at the end of August 2009 was the famous Eurofurence. Over 900 people packed into the hotel atop the mountain for a weekend of fun, socialising, shows, and more people in costumes than ever seen, before topping off the weekend with the ever popular Pawpet Show.

242 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2009
Album viewed 317 times

Confuzzled 2009


May 2009, just in time for the birthday of Queen Victoria, saw Confuzzled return to the Youth Hostel in Manchester for a second year... only this time with a Victorian slant. After a ropey start weather wise, 3 days of sunshine rained down on a collection of crazy critters once again proving what the UK can do!

314 files, last one added on May 25, 2009
Album viewed 521 times

Eurofurence 14 - 2008


Finally, the first international event to appear on here, and it's the big one in Europe! Eurofurence 14 was held at the Ringberg Hotel in Suhl Germany at the end of August 2008. With a base theme of 'Horrorfurence', much fun was had, with a wide mix of stage and room events, and a million fursuiters from around the globe.

200 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2008
Album viewed 322 times

Confuzzled 2008


Many skeptics insisted it would never happen (and several cynics continue to argue it didn't), but in June 2008 a determined team pulled off the first fully residential convention to be held in the UK. Hosted at the Youth Hostel in Manchester from the 20th-23rd June, the weekend was packed with more events than can be fitted into a simple description, with more fluffy fursuits than you can shake a stick at.

254 files, last one added on Jun 23, 2008
Album viewed 507 times


37 albums on 1 page(s)

WelshFur MeetsFrom the West of the UK, the other country which makes up this big island!
2 134
Llandudno 07-2013


Bringing Welsh meets to the traditionally more quiet North of Wales, the second Llandudno Meet was held in July 2013. A scorching weekend on the coast provided no end of opportunities to interact with the locals in suit along the coastline.

107 files, last one added on Jul 07, 2013
Album viewed 337 times

Cardiff 11-2008


A trek across the hills to the well known Welsh city of Cardiff for a Welshfur meet in November 2008. Despite a cold day, natural for the time of the year, much fun was still had with coffee, pub, a sushi bar (which had famously ran out of sushi!) and a trip down to the famous Cardiff Bay to finish off the day. With a random mix of costumes inbetween, given the closeness to Halloween!

27 files, last one added on Nov 02, 2008
Album viewed 316 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

ScotFur MeetsSome snaps from some of the ScotFur meets I've managed to make it to. Starting from March 2008, these will pop up as often as I can get up there!
1 81
Edinburgh Zoo 03-2008


The first meet of the ScotFurs I managed to get to fell on the first Saturday in March (a very windy day at that). In a break from the norm, the main focus of the meet centred around Edinburgh Zoo, hence a large number of animal pictures are interspersed in the gallery. At the end of that was the inevitable plushie shopping, before some relaxing in the pub, and a trek to an Italian Restaurant for various pizzas none of us could pronounce the name of.

81 files, last one added on Mar 02, 2008
Album viewed 330 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

MidFur MeetsFilling in the middle of the UK, it's the Midfurs.
1 22
Nottingham 07-2009


Fresh from Sheffield the previous weekend, the heatwave continues, this time aided with an underground bar in Nottingham. A selection of good food and drink was had throughout the day, inbetween much chat and merriment from old and new faces, before moving out for tour around the famous square and city centre shops.

22 files, last one added on Jul 07, 2009
Album viewed 337 times


1 albums on 1 page(s)

SouthFur MeetsFrom 2009, the greater accessibility of Manchester to...well... everywhere finally allowed me to get to some of the meets down in the South West, and as proof, here come some pictures...
18 485
Bristol 04-2016


Into 2016, and a gorgeous sunny April day for the meet in Bristol. As well as the usual games, food and socialising at The Knights Templar, the day consisted of a long and mammoth fursuit walk around the city centre.

57 files, last one added on Apr 24, 2016
Album viewed 305 times

Bristol 03-2015


After quite a quiet spell of meets for Bristol, March 2015 saw another meet for the Southern City. With all the old regulars and lots of new folks coming out for a day of fun around the city, with a fursuit walk thrown in as this is the modern days

35 files, last one added on Apr 19, 2015
Album viewed 296 times

Bristol 01-2013


Two days, and two seperate meets in Bristol. The first day was a Geocaching special, not letting ourselves be put off by the recent snowfall as a small group dug around the local landscape for clues. Sunday consisted of a revisit to the very popular pottery painting in Bristol Town, as people used their art skills to put together their own varied selection of pigs, dragons and bisexual penguins!

14 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2013
Album viewed 195 times

Bristol 04-2012


Another month, and another change of pace for Bristolfurs. This time to mark Easter, an Easter Egg hunt was arranged by the venerable TigerFire. Groups attempted to solve a series of fiendish clues scattered around Bristol Park, before finishing off the day with a meal and more friendly socialising.

8 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2012
Album viewed 199 times

Bristol 01-2012


A new year in the South, and time for something a little different. To celebrate Chinese New Year, the assembled group gathered with a selection of fuzz and pipe cleaners to make a selection of quality dragons. Before winding down the evening with some chatting at the pub.

14 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2012
Album viewed 183 times

Bristol 08-2011


August, and a nice day means we get to be both indoors and outdoors. After the usual meetup and chat over coffee, the day moved to the bowling alley for a few hours, for a chance for everyone to prove how badly they can bowl. After that a few hours were spent disturbing the quiet tranquility of the city park, before winding up the day in the pub.

35 files, last one added on Oct 09, 2011
Album viewed 277 times

Bristol 03-2011


Getting ever closer to spring now, and another Bristol meet. This time round after the traditional meet up over coffees and before the other traditional evening at Knights Templar, the main part of the day was spent beating one another at games of bowling, albeit under the strange and often humourous names the lane staff had managed to enter on the system!

19 files, last one added on Apr 10, 2011
Album viewed 199 times

Bristol 02-2011


A somewhat stormy weekend in Early Feb, and the second Bristol meet of 2011 strikes. This time, in order to encourage more furs to save for future events, the majority of the day was spent painting pottery piggy banks in a variety of insane colours, in between the usual socialising and getting to know one another.

26 files, last one added on Feb 06, 2011
Album viewed 276 times

Bristol 01-2011


A brand new year in the South West, and after a few month's absence myself I'm back in Bristol. A small gathering of folks met up to exchange new year stories over coffee and drinks in the famous Knight's Templar. Additionally the bulk of the day was spent looking round the museum, with a quizzical challenge of much magnitude for those who dared it...

7 files, last one added on Feb 06, 2011
Album viewed 201 times

Bristol Boat Party 09-2010


Out on the river in Bristol for September, with a day of boating down the river taking in the scenery of the local area, whilst socialising with the group of well dressed furs. After arriving at our mystery location a little way outside of the town, a small get together made up of tea, scones and fun and games was had. After that, it was back on the boat to Bristol to wind down the evening with friends.

54 files, last one added on Sep 22, 2010
Album viewed 288 times

Bristol 08-2010


Moving out of the town centre for a change, the August Bristol furmeet was relocated to Bristol Zoo. A wide selection of animals looking lost and confused were to be found there, and then there were those that belonged to the zoo too! After a fun day of that, the goup retired to the usual haunt of Weatherspoons to wind down the evening with chat, drink and food.

33 files, last one added on Aug 15, 2010
Album viewed 294 times

Bristol 07-2010


Another summery month in Bristol, and this time... it's with added water. Balloons and huge water guns collided in the park for a battle of the furs. Outside of that was much socialising with a barbeque, coffee at Starbucks and finally winding down a warm evening with some fursuiting at the pub.

54 files, last one added on Jul 26, 2010
Album viewed 296 times

Bristol 06-2010


After a grey morning, the sun came out to greet us in the park for June's meet in Bristol. The day started off with obligatory coffeeage, before moving on to play bowling and card based games with pieces o' gold and coal, before spending a lazy afternoon in the park listening to music being played from the bandstand. The evening was then spent with quiet chatting and food at the Knights Templar Wetherspoons once again, as fursuiters popped up to confuse the public.

22 files, last one added on Jun 20, 2010
Album viewed 286 times

Bristol 05-2010


A heatwave of a weekend in Bristol, and what better way to celebrate than with a barbeque. After starting the day off with coffee at Starbucks, the group moved onto the park to lose frisbees in trees before beginning the cooking of many types of meat. The evening was spent socialising in the pub, over board games.

31 files, last one added on May 23, 2010
Album viewed 280 times

Bristol 03-2010


Another wet Spring and another meet in the Southerly town of Bristol. A wide mix of fun was had, meeting up at the train station, before moving on to the obligatory coffee, muffins and cookies fun. After that groups split up for bowling or ice skating, depending upon how daring they felt, before regrouping to spend a wet evening indoors at the pub chatting and being sociable.

16 files, last one added on Mar 21, 2010
Album viewed 190 times

Bristol 06-2009


What better way to spend a sunny day, than in barbequeing a large amount of meat (on some disposable BBQ's with a varying degree of success in lighting), whilst bouncing around on spacehoppers and playing with random items in the park? After a good fill of food, the whole group retired to the local pub for a combination of drinking, chatting and... death defying stunts with bicycles and fursuiters!

38 files, last one added on Jun 22, 2009
Album viewed 291 times

Bristol 05-2009


A very wet Sunday down South greeted the small and intrepid group who'd braved the city at short notice. The daily activities involved nipping down to the coffee shop for...well... coffee (and similar such coffee-shop related things), before splitting up into 2 to go either to a bar for chatting, or to the cinema.

11 files, last one added on May 19, 2009
Album viewed 201 times

Gloucester 05-2009


A mini meet in Gloucester was the order of the day for the middle of May 2009. Though the meet may have been mini, the quantities of pizza consumed at the following Pizza Hut certainly weren't. There was also terrorising of plushies in Toys R' Us, and some of the other shops, before moving to Waterstones to be all intellectual... or at least drink coffee from the attached Costa, whilst chatting and sketching random bits and bobs.

11 files, last one added on May 19, 2009
Album viewed 192 times

18 albums on 1 page(s)

NorthernFur MeetsPhotos from the main Northern Fur meets, from October 2006 - Present (with a few gaps inbetween). Registered users can add to these, and everyone (guests included) can comment.
82 3,009
Leeds 10-2021


After a long gap of 18 months due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, furmeets across the North finally started operating again in Autumn 2021. The first Leeds meet since February 2020 took place in October 2021, with a return to the regular pre-pandemic venue of The Old Red Bus Station, as well as a huge number of suiters making it along for the first meet.

39 files, last one added on Oct 17, 2021
Album viewed 58 times

Leeds 01-2017


Another new year and another meet in Leeds. Despite being quite firmly in the middle of winter, the weather remained dry enough for a fun fursuit walk around the city.

24 files, last one added on May 27, 2017
Album viewed 302 times

Leeds Minimeet 04-2016


An early spring 2016 'mini' meet, with another different venue - this time The White Rabbit Bar with its varied selection of drinks and food. Before following this up with a nice walk in the sun!

42 files, last one added on Apr 19, 2016
Album viewed 305 times

Leeds 10-2015


The end of 2015 saw a change in the Leeds venue after some time. Having held a successful mini meet there a few weeks prior, for Halloween 2015 ShuffleDog BrewDog bar in Leeds was taken over again. Offering a change of shuffleboard games to go alongside the usual meet, as well as a completely different fursuit walk to usual.

52 files, last one added on Nov 11, 2015
Album viewed 305 times

Leeds 04-2015


2015 and another huge turnout for the end of month Main Meet in Leeds. Despite continuously threatening to rain, a dry Saturday was had, allowing for us to once again take over Baa Bar and the surrounding area of Leeds with our crazy fursuiters.

47 files, last one added on Apr 26, 2015
Album viewed 288 times

Sheffield 01-2015


A new year, a new venue and new organisers. 2015 kicked off with a NorthernFur meet in Sheffield, moving a small walk down the road from previous venues like The Hop and Devonshire Cat to the local Brew Dog, where a variety of drinks and games were on offer. The afternoon was marked by a fursuit walk, posing for photos by all the major landmarks of the city on the way.

25 files, last one added on Apr 19, 2015
Album viewed 292 times

Leeds 10-2014


Approaching the end of another year in the North, and one of the few remaining original Main Meets rolls round again in Leeds. Following a lot of the style of the mini meets, only bigger and better and with a second day, a weekend of fun was to ensure once more in the city.

58 files, last one added on Oct 26, 2014
Album viewed 301 times

Leeds Minimeet 05-2014


A gloriously sunny weekend for the definitely-not-too-overhyped and very international Leeds May Minimeet, leading to some fun and games around the city and even into the Gallery Cafe, before winding down the evening in the traditional Baabar haunt.

59 files, last one added on May 28, 2014
Album viewed 274 times

York 02-2014


The spring meet in York, with Fioxy at the helm for the... several hundredth year in a row, brought with it another large fursuit walk; fursuiting having been growing in the city over previous months of mini meets. In between that, there was of course the usual socialising among friends in the cafebar.

50 files, last one added on Apr 21, 2014
Album viewed 295 times

Leeds Minimeet 01-2014


A new year in Leeds, and a change of venue for the minimeets. The meet venue returned to Distrikt, last used for mains in 2010, allowing for a completely different fursuit walk through the bustling city centre.

54 files, last one added on Jan 19, 2014
Album viewed 275 times

Leeds 10-2013


The Autumn Leeds meet comes round once more, with more people, more fursuits and an even bigger venue than ever before. Taking up camp at Baabar in Leeds once more, the furry shots made a welcome return, along with ever popular quizzes and a debut of a new flag. One of the few meets still retaining 2 days, Sunday saw the group head up to Xscape again, to try and avoid impending weather storms.

100 files, last one added on Oct 29, 2013
Album viewed 293 times

York 08-2013


A sunny Saturday, and a new venue for the mains greeted the August Main Meet in York. With record numbers of fursuiters in tow, the city was kept entertained with fuzzy fun through the streets.

49 files, last one added on Aug 31, 2013
Album viewed 261 times

Leeds Minimeet 07-2013


Continuing on the monthly Leeds Minimeet tradition, a thankfully slightly cooler Saturday in the middle of a heatwave greeted the July Minimeet in Leeds. Camping out at the usual venue of Baabar, there were more than ample opportunities to interact with the public, in between a few drinks at the bar.

39 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2013
Album viewed 274 times

Leeds 04-2013


April 2013, and the Spring Main Meet in Leeds comes round once more. Following the success of it as a venue for the minimeets, furs returned to Baabar Leeds for the main part of the gathering. With a custom drinks menu and furry themed videos playing in the bar, it provided a good base for the afternoon fursuit walk, whilst the weather just held off. The Sunday gathering moved to Xscape, for shopping, more drinks, and viewing of the latest film release that weekend.

39 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2013
Album viewed 255 times

Leeds Minimeet - 02-2013


Started in the latter part of 2012, Leeds has its own monthly minimeet held on the third weekend of every month, in addition to their usual main meet. After moving round a few places, the group finally settled on Baabar Millenium Square as a venue, allowing a good environment for socialising, as well as some nice open spaces outside for fursuiters to walk.

21 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2013
Album viewed 272 times

Manchester 11-2012


A somewhat grey and wet weekend, but not one to dampen spirits as the November Manchester Meet hits again. The day was spent dancing with everyone enjoying themselves, before a brief attempt to beat the rain for a fursuit walk. The evening was then spent with more socialising, and a trip to the arcade for some.

17 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2013
Album viewed 180 times

Leeds 10-2012


Another fantastic weekend of fun on the East Side of the Pennines. Saturday was a mix of socialising Australian style at Walkabout and heading out into the city in fursuit, before winding down the evening with bowling and drinking. Returning on the Sunday, the group once again visited Xscape for food, drink, more bowling, dodgems and cinema, before those who'd lasted right through two whole days finished off the weekend with a dine meal as a group.

50 files, last one added on Oct 31, 2012
Album viewed 257 times

York 08-2012


The summer of 2012 NorthernFur meets is nearly over once more, but still time to take advantage of the weather to get the fursuiters out in the town and interacting with the public. Brightly coloured suiters made quite a stir on the quaint streets of the town, as others stayed behind at the venue to chat and drink.

53 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2012
Album viewed 258 times

Manchester 05-2012


A huge turnout for the summer Manchester Meet again. Moved a few weeks earlier to accommodate Confuzzled in 2012, everyone still happily found their way along for another great meet in the Northern city. Music and a dancefloor were available in the bar, inbetween the well loved fursuit walk.

24 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2012
Album viewed 279 times

Leeds 04-2012


A new year and new faces to the traditional spring Leeds meet. Saturday consisted of meeting at Massey's Bookseller, the fine purvevor of huge steins, before moving to the traditional evening bowling alley. Sunday was the quieter second day as ever, with everyone meeting at XScape for DDR, cinema and shopping.

14 files, last one added on Oct 16, 2012
Album viewed 176 times

Manchester 11-2011


Heading towards the end of 2011, and the massive Manchester Main Meet hits once more, bigger and better than ever. A change of venue took the group to View for the bulk of the day, interrupted by groups heading off for food, before gathering together for a very wet and typically Manchester Fursuit Walk. The evening was then wound down with socialising and fursuit dancing on the bar's inhouse dancefloor.

33 files, last one added on Nov 27, 2011
Album viewed 259 times

Leeds 10-2011


Nearly through another year, and it's the Halloween special at Leeds again. No spooky costumes this time round, but plenty of fuzzies out and about. A new cocktail bar was the main base of the day, with a break for an afternoon fursuit walk, before finishing off the evening with the traditional bowling trip.

47 files, last one added on Oct 29, 2011
Album viewed 256 times

York 08-2011


And so, as we near the end of another summer in the North, the traditional city of York comes round once again. The bulk of the day consisted of the traditional gathering in order to socialise and get to know one another, before splitting off into seperate groups to go bowling or to some different places in the town, before finally everyone regrouped to finish off the day.

16 files, last one added on Oct 09, 2011
Album viewed 177 times

Sheffield 06-2011


The halfway point of the year is marked by Sheffield, well into its second decade of meets now. Saturday consisted of people drinking and socialising, inbetween drawing questionably PG-friendly scribbles on the obligatory scroll and gaming around the large table of doom. As the day wore on, groups split off for food, coffee or more drinking.

25 files, last one added on Jun 26, 2011
Album viewed 249 times

Manchester 05-2011


Summer in Manchester, greeted with steretypical greyness, saw the main meet role round once again. Returning as ever to another venue on Canal Street, the day was spent with socialising before groups of fursuiters split off for the World's Shortest Fursuit Walk (TM) and some fursuiting olympic games. People without fursuits naturally stayed to chat and drink at the bar! Sunday's day brought a much calmer and relaxed group, meeting over tea and cake to play games and chat.

21 files, last one added on May 31, 2011
Album viewed 265 times

Leeds 04-2011


A lovely sunny weekend (very unseasonable for the UK!), and the Leeds meet comes round once again. The main base of operations was the hidden underground bar of Distrikt, after which fursuit walking and bowling ensued. Sunday consisted of a picnic up at Roundhay park, before winding down the remainder of the day with good company and drinks.

41 files, last one added on May 04, 2011
Album viewed 265 times

Liverpool 03-2011


Spring in the other North West city, and a small group of furs met up once again in a different venue in the city. After a day of meeting over an assortment of cocktails and food, groups split off for shopping, or to head to a night in the vibrant rock bars of the city.

10 files, last one added on Apr 10, 2011
Album viewed 171 times

York 02-2011


No photos for Chester, but moving on to York in February and a different venue to the usual was the setting of a day of drinking and getting to know everyone else, whilst small groups attempted to solve quizzes of mystery and head off for various foods at Nandos and the local takeaway.

12 files, last one added on Mar 12, 2011
Album viewed 175 times

Sheffield 12-2010


A small but friendly gathering in Sheffield to welcome in the end of another year in the North. The weekend consisted of a mix of our usual friendly pub, before splitting off for shopping, further pubbage, or some cinematastic. The Sunday was spent relaxing, with a quiet look to the cafe, before splitting off to look around the town on the last weekend before Christmas.

10 files, last one added on Jan 14, 2011
Album viewed 175 times

Manchester 11-2010


November, and the big one in Manchester rolls around again. The main bulk of the saturday consisted of socialising around Canal Street, with groups splitting off for food, or enjoying a variety of music, before braving the cold for a fur walk. Sunday was a calmer day spent around the Nexus Art Cafe with more chatting over tea and games.

31 files, last one added on Nov 29, 2010
Album viewed 279 times

Leeds 10-2010


A brand new venue in Leeds for the 2010 Halloween meet as a large collection of furries appeared dressed up for the occasion (... or a small number dressed up for the occasion). Saturday consisted of meeting and socialising at the pub, before splitting off for food ahead of a regroup at the traditional bowling alley. Sunday's remeet saw people travelling out of town to Xscape for mini golf, ice creams and Lazer Quest, before finishing off the weekend as it began with more friendly natter over a good drink.

34 files, last one added on Nov 02, 2010
Album viewed 277 times

York Teashop Crawl Mini 10-2010


Back for it's third year running with Lupe at the helm, the York Teashoppe Crawl had furs hitting the old city of York. A long day of teas, scones and teacakes followed, before everyone enjoyed a look round the town as the evening wound down (and the teashops closed their doors).

14 files, last one added on Apr 10, 2011
Album viewed 178 times

Liverpool 09-2010


Autumn in Liverpool, with the day remaining unusually sunny throughout. The day was started off by getting food at Kimos once more, before heading up to the 'away from the footie in town' venue of the AJ again for a day of pool, games and creepy ghosts. A very short furwalk also managed to be fit in, before finishing off the evening with card games and chitchat. The ghost was pleased!

27 files, last one added on Sep 26, 2010
Album viewed 276 times

York 08-2010


Another summer, and York once again, under the watchful eyes of rabbits as it should always be! After meeting for the day in Lendals Cellars, unusually managing to vacate our usual spot for one out in the open due to improved weather for most of the day, the park was in order, before finishing the evening with a quiet pub and food at Nandos.

21 files, last one added on Aug 31, 2010
Album viewed 267 times

Chester 07-2010


Not quite the scorching summer Chester has had in the past, so the zoo was unfortunately off the cards, but this didn't for a second disrupt a fun day. After the usual meeting, greeting, food and friendly banter over drinks, the group all went off for a walk into the town centre, taking in some of the wonderful scenery around Chester, whilst adding some fursuiting magic to the visitors in town that day too! The evening was then wound down outside enjoying the late emerging sun whilst some furry friendly bar staff quizzed us on all we knew!

39 files, last one added on Aug 01, 2010
Album viewed 268 times

Sheffield 06-2010


Rumoured to be one of the hottest weekends of the year, and the hordes descend upon Sheffield once again for the mid-summer furmeet. After taking over almost the whole of the pub rather than just the reserved room to meet and socialise, groups split off for a fursuit walk in the sun, before groups wound down the evening together. Sunday consisted of meeting for tea and cake, before heading outdoors for a picnic and small missile launching. To tie up the weekend, a small final group drifted off to shop at the Meadowhall shopping centre.

36 files, last one added on Jun 27, 2010
Album viewed 279 times

Manchester 05-2010


May 2010, and a nice sunny week is broken by heavy rain for the day especially for us. Still, that doesn't stop the fun and games, with us all moving indoors and upstairs to some very nice loud music. As the day progressed, groups split off for cocktails, shopping, and to journey to a restaurant for some very expensive but tasty meat. Sunday consisted of a smaller gathering hitting the local art cafe to chat and drink coffee and tea, all over a variety of card and board games.

42 files, last one added on May 30, 2010
Album viewed 286 times

Leeds 04-2010


Spring in Leeds for 2010, and a busy weekend of fun and games once again. Saturday consisted of a mix of food, drink, and some insane cocktails at Revolution Bar, broken by a somewhat warm Fursuit Walk, before moving to the evening activities of bowling, arcades and pool. Sunday was started off at the park, enjoying the sun whilst it lasted, before escaping to the tropical gardens to look at wild birds, fish... and of course meerkats, as they pop up everywhere! The end of the weekend was wrapped up with a trip to the Chinese Buffet back in the town, for more food, in between general chitchat and socialising.

57 files, last one added on Apr 25, 2010
Album viewed 265 times

Liverpool 03-2010


An unusual break in the weather after a threatening week brings a fine weekend for the spring meet in Liverpool once more. With a change in venue, the day consisted of food and drink outdoors at a new pub, before a brief trip down to the windy docks. A short tour of the National Conservation Centre museum, with tea and cake to follow was next on the list, before winding down the evening relaxing, chatting and enjoying a local Belgian Beer Festival going on in the city.

24 files, last one added on Mar 28, 2010
Album viewed 267 times

York 02-2010


The calm after the floods in York... is broken by some furries, as the York 2010 meet comes around again. After meeting in the pub, and enjoying high quality food served in dog bowls, groups moved off to either the shops or the National Railway Museum, before regrouping to spend a late evening near the famous wall of the city.

16 files, last one added on Mar 21, 2010
Album viewed 162 times

Chester 01-2010


2010, and a decade of the NorthernFurs is kicked off with one of the cities which started it all again; Chester. A cold day in the middle of winter met a cosy group at the station, before everyone moved to that favoured pub of fine food and nicely priced drinks; The Town Crier. As the day progressed, a walk around the famous Chester Wall, with an added fursuiter followed, leading to many confused but happy faces in the little sleepy town!

27 files, last one added on Feb 02, 2010
Album viewed 264 times

Sheffield 12-2009


Ho ho ho, and the Christmas 2009 meet in Sheffield arrives once more. Suitably festive this time round, with the addition of snow. Saturday consisted of a kindly put on buffet at the favoured pub in Sheffield, inbetween some very occasional snippets of high brow conversation, whilst Sunday consisted of tea and cake at the Gardens, followed by dancing in the snow!

18 files, last one added on Dec 29, 2009
Album viewed 178 times

Manchester 11-2009


Coming to another cold and wet winter in the North, and around comes the big city of the North once more, Manchester. Changes to the venue again, after another move and refurbishment made up the bulk of the Saturday, with the obligatory furwalk in the middle, before splitting off for fun and games at Laserquest at the Trafford Centre.

34 files, last one added on Dec 29, 2009
Album viewed 272 times

Leeds 10-2009


3 years worth of meet photos on here now, and we're back to Leeds for the October furmeet. Luckily tucked away from other events going on in Leeds that day, the day consisted of fun and drinks at Revolution in Leeds, before a slightly later than usual move to the bowling alley to wind down the rest of the day. Sunday consisted of a fine breakfast-come-lunch, before a trip to the Royal Armouries Museum, and a final continental bar to finish off a fine, albeit wet, weekend.

23 files, last one added on Nov 03, 2009
Album viewed 275 times

Liverpool 09-2009


A cosy meet for the autumn in Liverpool. Clashing with both Football and a university open day made for a busy town centre, but this did nothing to dampen the spirits of the gathered, with the days events including a fine selection of food at Kimos, before heading to the Augustus John (aka The Student Pub) to wind down and relax for the evening.

11 files, last one added on Sep 29, 2009
Album viewed 175 times

York 08-2009


Slightly earlier in the month, but August once more brought round the usual collection of pubs and Treasure Hunts to find mysterious hidden Fioxy's somewhere in the great city of York. After that, a relaxing afternoon in the park followed, with much sillyness and flopping, before retiring to Varsity for food and coffee!

26 files, last one added on Sep 02, 2009
Album viewed 255 times

Chester 07-2009


The summer meet in Chester, and a veritable waspnest of fun came round once more. After the traditional pub-which-everyone-can-find, complete with their fantastic food and chatting, everyone split off into two, with one lot continuing the summer tradition of the Chester Zoo, and the other beginning a long walk around the historic walls of Chester in fursuit, much to the amusement of the locals, in a mammoth 3 hour walk. After which, as if planned, everyone regrouped to wind down the evening once more.

29 files, last one added on Jul 27, 2009
Album viewed 269 times

Sheffield 06-2009


Nicely in time for the first heatwave warning in about 3 years, Sheffield rolled around at the end of June, bringing with it the usual mix of food and drink in the pub, but also opening so many other possibilities. After some time wandering round for coffees, the group all mingled at the Peace Gardens for a picnic, combining snack sausage rolls and crisps, with crazy ideas involving fountains and a lack of changes of clothes. Sunday consisted of invasions of parks, Waterstones, beer gardens... nowhere in Sheffield was left safe this weekend!

54 files, last one added on Jun 29, 2009
Album viewed 282 times

Manchester 05-2009


Sweltering heat, and a mysterious lack of rain... yes, we kid you not, this is still Manchester, as the summer meet comes round once more for 2009. Starting with the usual socialising on Canal Street, Saturday's events included a split of folks to go gaming, to the museum and for Laser Quest at the Trafford Centre. The more relaxed Sunday was spent at The Bank bar, with a mix of chat and relaxed food, before groups split for either the park or the IMAX cinema to wind down the weekend.

38 files, last one added on Jun 01, 2009
Album viewed 256 times

Leeds 04-2009


Yes, in typically clichéd British weather fashion, a sunny day with broken cloud and showers greeted the April Meet in Leeds. A new bar, close to one of the former ones was on the cards, for chat and merriment, before an extended walk with an unusually high amount of fursuiters followed (and luckily avoided all rain). The evening was then spent chatting, bowling, or enjoying free buffets given to us by random other tables...

82 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2009
Album viewed 267 times

Liverpool 03-2009


An annoyingly windy day in Spring 2009 meets the Liverpool...er... meet, with the usual range of seasoned furries, and always welcome newcomers arriving at the station. After some hastily made plans, the course for the day involved the ever-popular Kimos restaurant, some shopping round the ever-famous Quiggens, before finishing the day with some ever-loved drinks at the student union bar, playing some ever-dangerous darts games.

29 files, last one added on Mar 30, 2009
Album viewed 253 times

York 02-2009


The February meet in the ever quaint town of York dawned, with a mixed group of old and new faces at the station, before a short walk to the nearby underground pub for food and drink. After that, everyone darted off around the town armed with carefully crafted puzzles and a map to find the strategically placed meet organiser. The afternoon ended with a move to an alternative venue, before the ever popular fursuit walk to end the day on high spirits.

45 files, last one added on Mar 01, 2009
Album viewed 260 times

Chester 01-2009


2009 dawns, and another new year of meets in the North. A cold day in Chester, but much fun was had nonetheless. After some time in the bar, which still sells some fantastic food at a very reasonable price, a fursuit walk was organised around the famous wall of Chester (or most of it, courtesy of them closing part). The evening was spent socialising with bowling, and friendly chatter over more food and drink. Sunday was a more relaxed day, what with several folks still recovering from parties the night before. :P

30 files, last one added on Feb 01, 2009
Album viewed 259 times

Sheffield 12-2008


Brightening up that annoying lull between Christmas and the New Year, it's the Sheffield Winter Meet. Events included the pub, with the obligatory roll of drawings and sketches mixed in with eating, drinking and merriment. After a long fursuit walk, including an impromptu merry-go-round ride, the evening was spent with a poor Pizza Hut assistant running around madly to try and serve a large group. Sunday consisted of a gentler meetup with coffee, tea and cake, followed by the 'spot the store going bust' tour, and finally a quiet evening in the pub.

55 files, last one added on Dec 28, 2008
Album viewed 261 times

Hullcon 2008 - 11-2008


The Largest & First UK Furry Con of Less Than 50 People Based In Hull happened in the city of Hull in November 2008. Gathering together people from all over the UK, this special minimeet consisted of the usual pub and cinema events, but also a selection of other events, as well as the infamous welcome pack. With thanks to all the valued staff members for being such good sports in my random ideas! Watch out for Hullcon 2009, coming your way soon! (Ps - This minimeet may contain some tongue-in-cheek humour, and should not be taken seriously by pregnant women, people with heart conditions, or furries! ;))

26 files, last one added on Nov 30, 2008
Album viewed 259 times

Manchester 11-2008


November, and a Manchester meet comes around again. As ever, packed with one of the highest turnouts in the country, the day consisted of some time at Piccadilly Gardens, before moving onto a new pub (the usual venue having gone bust in recent months). The obligatory fursuit walk ensued, navigating the streets of Manchester on a very cold wintery day, before finally moving back to the bar to spend the night. Believe me, the photos don't show the entire scale of this meet or just how far and wide everyone came to have fun, but unfortunately special restrictions were in place by the organisers we all have to adhere to. ;)

37 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2008
Album viewed 262 times

Leeds 10-2008


October 2008 and another Leeds meet (coincidentally 2 years of photos too; I've wasted my life :P) Saturday consisted of a new pub, with some interesting decor, before moving out to look round shops, and regroup by the bowling alley for... pool, DDR and lots of other non-bowling activities. The Sunday return consisted of fine food, wines and a trip to Roundhay Tropical Gardens (with a Roundhay fox opposite at all times!).

37 files, last one added on Oct 26, 2008
Album viewed 260 times

York Teashop Mini 10-2008


A little twist on a theme for a minimeet in York. What with York being the teashop capital of the UK, Lupestripe extends his ever reaching meet fingers by bringing The Furry Teashop Crawl. A collection of furries, many done up in their finest, smartest attire hit a string of small teashops to order...well... tea, scones, cakes and similar. Proof that you can have a furmeet without being sat in a pub all day!

17 files, last one added on Oct 24, 2008
Album viewed 167 times

Liverpool 09-2008


An unusually sunny weekend greeted the September 2008 meet, as well as large numbers of Liverpool university students on an open day. The day started with a restaurant trip to the ever present Kimos, before drifting up to the student bar. After that fursuiting throughout Liverpool occured, always a bit of a scarcety in this city (for obvious reasons), before heading back to wind down for the evening in a pub. Sunday consisted of food and a trip to the movies, to tie up a nice well-rounded weekend.

51 files, last one added on Sep 28, 2008
Album viewed 260 times

Huddersfield Mini 09-2008


The first mini meet in Huddersfield arrives on the first weekend of September. Besides being a new place, it's also the first ever Vegetarian Meet (pun intentional). In the end, no vegetarian furs could actually make it, but despite most of the group kept up the spirit. After some browsing round the small town, much time was spent chatting in the pub, before heading up into the scenic hills of the Pennines.

32 files, last one added on Sep 07, 2008
Album viewed 259 times

York 08-2008


A surprising break in the weather, and a move to an earlier weekend for the York meet in August. Events consisted of drinks at Lendals Cellars, as warm and devoid of mobile signal as ever (and smelling oddly damp o.o), before moving to the park for ice-cream and general relaxing. The day finished with pub grub, including copious amounts of waffles!

36 files, last one added on Aug 23, 2008
Album viewed 262 times

Manchester Mini 08-2008


A rainy weekend, but as I'm living back in Manchester a chance to pop along to one of the seven million Manchester mini-meets crops up. Despite the weather, a large number turned out, with events including pub, fursuit walking... in the slight drizzle, arcadage, cinema and fooding. So just about everything with as many made up words as possible used there to describe it all!

50 files, last one added on Aug 09, 2008
Album viewed 264 times

Chester 07-2008


One of the hottest days of the year and plenty of sunburn greeted summer in Chester. Groups were split, either to the Zoo or to the pub, with a day of fun at either place, before regrouping for an evening of chatting, drinking, surprisingly well-priced pub food, and basking in the summer weather.

51 files, last one added on Jul 27, 2008
Album viewed 249 times

Sheffield 06-2008


Another summer in Sheffield, and a return to the successful pub venue of last time starts the Roman themed Saturday (there was a Friday for those who were there early too). After a few hours there, interspersed with a short suit walk, a split for coffees or picnics in the park followed to wrap up a warm summer afternoon.

45 files, last one added on Jun 28, 2008
Album viewed 267 times

Manchester 05-2008


Another summer in May dawns, and the ever growing Manchester meet comes round again. So many that meeting at the station was dropped, to meet at the bar instead. From there, much socialising ensued, including an impromptu fursuit walk around Piccadilly Gardens, before splitting into various groups for food or cinema action.

132 files, last one added on Jun 01, 2008
Album viewed 289 times

Leeds 04-2008


A new venue, and some better weather, brings Spring 2008 in Leeds in step. After the usual pub gathering, with lots of food and drink to be had, a large fursuit walk around the City Centre took place, including some impromptu dancing with the local street entertainer. Finally to wind down the evening, bowling, with even some of that being in suit (how we got away with that, no-one knows...)

122 files, last one added on Apr 27, 2008
Album viewed 285 times

Liverpool 03-2008


March 2008, and a very wet weekend in Liverpool. Luckily everyone managed to take shelter inside first the restaurant, then the museum, at which all manner of tasty foods were eaten, and caffeinated beverages drunk. The day ended with the pub, showing not all days begin with them, before braving the soggy Liverpudlian weather once more...

33 files, last one added on Mar 29, 2008
Album viewed 254 times

York 02-2008


February 2008, and the York meet comes around again, complete with a good number of fursuiters. As such in addition to the usual pub meetings, trips round the shops, and eating out, a fursuit walk around the town took place, before finally meeting back for late night drinks and food.

54 files, last one added on Feb 24, 2008
Album viewed 261 times

Chester 01-2008


A new year, and finally a gallery from Chester on here as I trek to the furthest reaches of the West! The first day of the January meet consisted of the usual gathering at the pub, before splitting off into town for a combination of foodage, exploring of the historic centre, shopping, and a walk around the city walls, before regrouping to end the day.

Gallery dedicated to the memory of Jespah the Lion; a first time and sadly only time attendee at Chester 2008. You will be missed!

27 files, last one added on Jan 27, 2008
Album viewed 253 times

Sheffield 12-2007


The festive meet fell just past Christmas this time, in Sheffield once more. Events included the usual pub meet, with mingling and talking, mixed up with card games, Cluedoesque-gaming and... random coloured foam batons. The latter providing much hilarity, even if they didn't get along well with the christmas decorations. Sunday consisted of some hanging around by the cathedral, before pottering off to a small cafe for cake, coffee and chocolate. After that it was split up time, with some shopping, and others heading off to watch DVDs.

70 files, last one added on Dec 30, 2007
Album viewed 278 times

Manchester 11-2007


Manchester 2007, and the first of the 'big winter 2' comes round again. A different pub to the usual made up the bulk of the day, interspersed with suiters terrorising Canal Street. After that, groups began to disperse off to enjoy chinese buffet food, and the annual packed-to-bursting Christmas Market. Sunday consisted of some more pubbage, and groups going to either Oklahoma (the quirky cafe, not the place) for fruit and oreo smoothies or the Museum of Science and Industry for culture. Sadly not the best of photos, due to a lack of the usual camera, but hopefully enough to give everyone a good feel for things... and for the huge number of folks there!

46 files, last one added on Nov 26, 2007
Album viewed 278 times

Leeds 10-2007


October 2007 saw the return to Leeds, complete with a new organiser. As part of this, a change of venue to Tiger Tiger came, with fine food and drinks to accompany it. After that, and some debating of current films, bowling became the order of the day. Sunday, the more relaxed of the days, involved large amounts of pub food, followed by some town centre shopping, culminating with playing of various card games such as Munchkin whilst drinking coffee.

25 files, last one added on Oct 28, 2007
Album viewed 268 times

Liverpool 09-2007


Into the Autumn, and it's the meet of culture (aka the meet of rabbits). Just to show there's more to meets than pubs, there was no pub activity at all for the bulk of the day (only a few splitting off in the evening). The main part of the meet was spent in Kimo's restaurant, before pottering to the park (albeit briefly, as Liverpool police's new tactic to tackle vandalism is to ban everyone from it :P), and finally to a movie. Sunday consisted of a small group, shopping and eating fine food.

40 files, last one added on Sep 30, 2007
Album viewed 269 times

York 08-2007


For the last month of Summer, August, York comes around again. Lupe takes up fursuiting duties this time, resulting in terrorising innocent pub staff, and random air guitar dancing with whoever happens to be nearby. The day progressed to include a Fioxy hunt (in which no animals were harmed, though several got sore heads through cryptic clues), and finally a bowling outing.

36 files, last one added on Aug 26, 2007
Album viewed 272 times

Manchester 05-2007


Manchester 2007, and a brand new half decent camera comes to the fray. Saturday's events included the usual visit to the pub, a trip round the Museum of Science and Industry and a party organised by Sil, with Sunday having obligatory Trafford Centre/City Centre shopping splitoff.

20 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 192 times

York Minimeet 05-2007


A mini meet called on the first bank holiday of May in York. Despite the mini status, quite a large number turned up, including our very own fursuiter. This leads to some hilarity among the locals in the town.

16 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 175 times

Leeds 04-2007


The Leeds meet from April 2007, and thankfully the last full meet using the less-than-wonderful camera. Events start off briefly at the usual pub, before a move to a more family friendly venue is sought to accomodate the younger people (let it be said, we try our best for everyone). The result is a large number of furs lazing under the sun outdoors. Sunday features coffee-based-beverages in Starbucks. Highlights include the video of me performing Attenborough-style documentary with a fox puppet...

19 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 190 times

Liverpool 03-2007


A comparitively quiet meet this one, hence why there's so few pictures (given these were all indoors, this was also the meet that persuaded me I needed a better camera). No pub this time, a nice little restaurant is the Liverpool meet venue. After that we pretty much wandered round, splitting off into groups headed to the cinema or the museum, before wrapping up early at 6.30pm. Sunday... well no-one really showed up except me and Gravecat. ;)

7 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 181 times

York 02-2007


February 2007, in York. Saturday starts off in Varsity, hence the slightly more 'trendy' attire than usual, before a go-kart engined First Bus takes us off for bowling. Sunday... nothing much happened, as meet organiser Fioxy took ill, and not many others turned up.

25 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 279 times

Sheffield 12-2006


Sheffield usually yields the biggest of the meets, and benefits (or suffers depending on point of view) from hosting the pre-christmas meet. Events involved pubbage with added competitions, multiple fursuiters, lots of pottering around, and more coffee drinking on the sunday. There was also ice-skating on the sunday, which sadly I had to miss due to time constraints.

16 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 188 times

Manchester 11-2006


A large meet in November 2006 greeted the attendees in Manchester. It's going back a bit now, so memories are vague, but pubs and outdoor gatherings made up a lot of the Saturday. Sunday was followed with coffee based beverages, cakes, and then a fursuit walk (which I unfortunately missed due to having to leave early >.<).

17 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 196 times

Leeds 10-2006


The oldest of the sets of photos, set in the city of Leeds. Saturday consisted of some drinking, shopping in the centre, and finally bowling. Sunday featured more coffee, as we all dope up on caffeine again. It's needed to provide the boost for playing DS games... *twitch*

9 files, last one added on Aug 19, 2007
Album viewed 201 times

82 albums on 1 page(s)

NewcastleFur MeetsA collection of photos from the Newcastle furry group. Arms length connected to the main Northernfurs, they resurfaced many years after the original NoTZ group in 2008.
4 126
Newcastle 05-2009


Summer 2009 in Newcastle, and with the combination of Draken organising, and other's bringing large amounts of random toys picked up, a fantastic day of crazyness in the park ensued. After several hours of that, events moved back down into town for food at one of several places, before finishing off the evening at the pub for general chitchat and socialising!

21 files, last one added on May 19, 2009
Album viewed 191 times

Newcastle Mini 06-2008


Summer in the town, and besides the usual pub based jinx, to mix things up, a trip to Leazes Park was in order. There were many eco-friendly crowded stalls to be had there all around the pond, some selling a variety of quaint little beers (I think; I don't drink).

22 files, last one added on Dec 08, 2008
Album viewed 191 times

Newcastle Mini 04-2008


A snowy minimeet (yes, you can see the 2008 weather gets more wintery the further we go into spring) greeted Newcastle once more for the start of April. Once again we increased the business of a deserted Newcastle pub by about 600% for food and drinks, before moving on to some suiting fun (with an appropriate polar bear) around Life.

39 files, last one added on Apr 06, 2008
Album viewed 192 times

Newcastle Mini 03-2008


Not strictly speaking Northern Fur territory, but I didn't want to call it a 'Non-descript-Newcastle-based-group meet'. March 2nd saw a meet called in Newcastle, organised mainly by Lupestripe. Activities involved a walk around the town, leading down to the famous quayside to take us to the Baltic Flour Mill (an art gallery for those who don't know) for coffee. After that more scenic walking, before finishing in a pub for food, drink and lots of friendly chatter.

44 files, last one added on Mar 02, 2008
Album viewed 193 times

4 albums on 1 page(s)

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